
Distopia - um honeypot Ubuntu Codificado em Python


  • Prompt de login opcional
  • Registra quem se conecta e o que eles fazem
  • Sessão de captura para arquivo pcap
  • Baixar links usados ​​por invasores automaticamente
  • Personalize MOTD, porta, nome do host e quantos clientes podem se conectar ao mesmo tempo (o padrão é ilimitado)
  • Geolocalização (com ipstack)
  • Salvar e carregar a configuração
  • Adicione suporte a uma infinidade de comandos


  • Melhor registro
  • Serviço
  • Alertas de E-mail
  • Insights como tabelas e gráficos
  • Adicionar configurações padrão
  • Otimizar / corrigir código


chmod 755
sudo ./
[+] Tcpdump is used to capture dystopia sessions!
[+] Would you like to install 'Tcpdump'? [Y/n] y
[+] 1 --> Install for Arch Linux
[+] 2 --> Install for Debian Users
[sudo] password for drew: 
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) tcpdump-4.99.0-1

Total Installed Size:  1.35 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%
[+] Creating needed directorys!



usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--motd MOTD] [--max MAX]
                   [--login] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
                   [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--localhost] [--capture]
                   [--interface INTERFACE] [--save SAVE] [--load LOAD]
                   [--download] [--version]

Dystopia | A python Honeypot.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           IP Address to host the Honeypot. Default:
  --port PORT, -P PORT  specify a port to bind to
  --motd MOTD, -m MOTD  specify the message of the day
  --max MAX, -M MAX     max number of clients allowed to be connected at once
                        default is unlimited
  --login, -f           create a fake login prompt (no encryption)
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        username for fake login prompt and the user for the
                        Honeypot session default: 'ubuntu'
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        password for fake login prompt. Default: 'P@$$W0RD'
  --hostname HOSTNAME, -H HOSTNAME
                        Hostname of the Honeypot default: 'localhost'
  --localhost, -L       start Honeypot on localhost
  --capture, -c         enable packet capturing using the tool Tcpdump
  --interface INTERFACE, -i INTERFACE
                        interface to capture traffic on if --capture / -c is
                        used and no interface is configured, the default is:
  --save SAVE, -s SAVE  save config to a json file E.g: '--save settings.json'
  --load LOAD, -l LOAD  load config from a json file E.g '--load
  --download, -a        Automatically download links used by attackers
  --version             print version and exit

Como adicionar suporte para mais comandos

Você pode adicionar suporte a novos comandos editando o arquivo "commands.json". O formato é comando: saída
para, por exemplo

   " cachorro " : " Comando do cachorro ativado! " 


Como ?

cd tools/
chmod 755
./ --report -f report.html
|   IP Address  | Times Connected | Failed Logins | Correct Logins |
| |        22345    |      1231     |      2         |
| |      546646     |     27531     |      53        |


usage: [-h] [--address ADDRESS] [--report] [--sort SORT] [--update]
                [--filename FILENAME]

dstat | Statistics tool for Dystopia

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --address ADDRESS, -a ADDRESS
                        ip address to investigate
  --report, -r          show a general report
  --sort SORT, -s SORT  sort the report table by row name
  --update, -U          update geolocation entries
  --filename FILENAME, -f FILENAME
                        Filename of report file

Download Distopia